Healthy Ramadan Recipes E-Book
It's here! Ma-sha-Allah , available to download is our Healthy Ramadan Recipes e-book ( ) which is 99% vegetaria...
It's here! Ma-sha-Allah, available to download is our Healthy Ramadan Recipes e-book ( which is 99% vegetarian but 100% good for the soul.
The booklet is divided into Suhoor Drinks, Suhoor meals, Iftaar drinks and meals, Desserts and a couple of bonus ideas. We have designed and edited the book ourselves therefore a blind eye towards errors would be appreciated. However, we have kept the instructions easy to follow, every recipe is affordable, takes minutes to make and is designed to share!
Credit and duas to Vanessa Mullen for compiling and reviewing these recipes. May Allah bless her.
+ Download the Healthy Ramadan Recipes e-book.
Did I mention it was free...(?)
Green Up Your Ramadan
+ Keep Your Home Clean In Ramadan
+ Pasta Salad for Vegetarian Ramadan
+ Top 10 Hydrating Fruits
The booklet is divided into Suhoor Drinks, Suhoor meals, Iftaar drinks and meals, Desserts and a couple of bonus ideas. We have designed and edited the book ourselves therefore a blind eye towards errors would be appreciated. However, we have kept the instructions easy to follow, every recipe is affordable, takes minutes to make and is designed to share!
Credit and duas to Vanessa Mullen for compiling and reviewing these recipes. May Allah bless her.
+ Download the Healthy Ramadan Recipes e-book.
Did I mention it was free...(?)
Green Up Your Ramadan
+ Keep Your Home Clean In Ramadan
+ Pasta Salad for Vegetarian Ramadan
+ Top 10 Hydrating Fruits
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