Meet The Eco Muslim At 'Natural Phenomena In The Qur'an' (London Event)
Did you know the Qur'an has over 700 verses on being ethical Khalifas and protecting nature? The Eco Muslim will be giving a visual pr...
Did you know the Qur'an has over 700 verses on being ethical Khalifas and protecting nature? The Eco Muslim will be giving a visual presentation on these environmental implications at the awesome Inclusive Mosque Initiative event in London ( Please do join us. I really want to see you there!
Let the signs of nature resonate within you!
On 20th April the Inclusive Mosque Initiative (IMI) will be hosting a lecture on the phenomena of nature on the Qur'an. A great speaker from Kuala Lumpur was booked but unfortunately by Allah's will he had to cancel. Let us make du`a for him and his family, may Allah protect them.
This lecture is aimed at familiarising the audience with the teachings of the Qur'an regarding nature, so that you, my friends, can achieve deeper connection with the text. You will learn what the Qur'an actually says and why it's important to share these with your children, family and mosques.
My particular lecture will be based on our mosque curriculum; saving water, the 4R's, food consumption and waste and growing edible gardens. I really believe that if we make our mosques true centres of our society, the entire community cohesion will improve.
This should be a great platform for sharing our views on 'Eco Islam' and working together with other mosques to teach more environmental practices. I cannot wait to attend (even though I haven't even BEGAN my presentation yet!) and I'm really glad it's with an organisation that embraces forward thinking ideas.
More About Inclusive Mosque Initiative (IMI)
+ St Johns Church, 73 Waterloo Road, London, SE1 8TY
+ Saturday, 20th April 2013 @14:00 to 17:00.
Get tickets:
The Facebook event:
Let the signs of nature resonate within you!
On 20th April the Inclusive Mosque Initiative (IMI) will be hosting a lecture on the phenomena of nature on the Qur'an. A great speaker from Kuala Lumpur was booked but unfortunately by Allah's will he had to cancel. Let us make du`a for him and his family, may Allah protect them.
This lecture is aimed at familiarising the audience with the teachings of the Qur'an regarding nature, so that you, my friends, can achieve deeper connection with the text. You will learn what the Qur'an actually says and why it's important to share these with your children, family and mosques.
My particular lecture will be based on our mosque curriculum; saving water, the 4R's, food consumption and waste and growing edible gardens. I really believe that if we make our mosques true centres of our society, the entire community cohesion will improve.
This should be a great platform for sharing our views on 'Eco Islam' and working together with other mosques to teach more environmental practices. I cannot wait to attend (even though I haven't even BEGAN my presentation yet!) and I'm really glad it's with an organisation that embraces forward thinking ideas.
More About Inclusive Mosque Initiative (IMI)
A core goal for the Inclusive Mosque initiative is to establish masjids that are accessible for everyone including wheelchair access, spaces that are non-judgemental and celebrate diversity of Islamic practice as a strength.See? Doesn't that sound welcoming. You better be there!
Each masjid has a 'Majlis-As-Shura', which is the committee that manage the running of programmes and activities for the jam`aat (congregational members) in a particular location. Amongst other things this includes talks, socials such as at festivals including Eid, dhikr (devotional recitation), Qur'an discussions and much, much more!
+ St Johns Church, 73 Waterloo Road, London, SE1 8TY
+ Saturday, 20th April 2013 @14:00 to 17:00.
Get tickets:
The Facebook event:
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