
Summer Flowers From Our Garden-Can You Name Them?

As-salamu`alaykum, peace be with you, I had a wonderful walk around our garden yesterday and saw many extraordinary signs of God. Y...

Can You Recognise These Summer Flowers From The Eco Muslim Garden?

As-salamu`alaykum, peace be with you,

I had a wonderful walk around our garden yesterday and saw many extraordinary signs of God.

Y'know, I haven't photographed the garden much which surrounds our family home, there is much to see and learn. So today I want to share some of the summer flowers which grow every year (perrenials). I hope you can guess their names!

The tulips have just faded and our poppies are about to bloom. It's a pity not many of these flowers are fragrant because I love their perfumes. Next year I'll be planting truckloads of roses God willing.

Now this is not the best of knowledge but I strongly believe this pale lilac flower is the commonly known lady's smock, or the 'Cuckoo Flower'. Its colour is sensitive to light like human skin and in damp shaded areas produces whiter flowers. Alhamdulillah.

Bluebells in our garden have been growing for over 7 years; they are a hybrid cross between the common 'English' flower and the Spanish bluebell. They have curly petals, an upright stem and blue pollen - very pretty!

They look like meadow buttercups but their single stalks with curled petals show that these flowers like to grow near grass. They're known as Creeping Cinquefoil (Potentila reptans).

Marsh spurge (Latin name: Euphorbia palustris)
I like this plant for being all-lime-green. The tiny flowers turn yellow and orange in the autumn. It's a bit daunting that the flower is toxic though, even the sap of the plant is highly irritant to skin, so I wouldn't advise breaking any stems.

The peony (paeonia) is named after Paeon, a student of the Green figure Asclepius, a Greek 'god' of medicine and healing. You can see the gem-like bud before it blooms, doesn't it look delicious? A spectacular plant, even if it was named after a heathen (!)

Botanically speaking, this pink flower is a British flower, regionally growing in Cumbria. It's name (which I totally forgot and its long) comes from ancient Greece and means 'honourary grass' as it beautifies the meadows.

I used to think these were a type of poppy but notice the petals - they are curved over the top, forming a ball shape. That is why these yellow torches are called 'Globe Flowers' (their Latin name: Trollius). Would you believe that these flowers are poisonous to cattle? They are, however, food for the bugs!

These beautiful plants often have gorgeous showy flowers that definitely brighten gardens with their pink shades. You'll recognise them are being large clusters which grow in yellow (above), pale pink and as I have here, a blood-pink. Rhododendrons of course!

Find out more about flowers by colour on + the UK Wildlife website.


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