The Germination Process
A beginner's guide to recognising new shoots in plants. A cucumber seed will take less than 10 days to germinate. If placed in a gr...
A beginner's guide to recognising new shoots in plants.
A cucumber seed will take less than 10 days to germinate. If placed in a greenhouse or a conservatory, you'll end up with looking something like this. A new baby plant with delicate roots and young leaves.
Allah has given every seed variety its own distinct characteristics and varying plants will demonstrate almost human reactions to the environment. All seeds grow root first to anchor the plant, and then supply nutrients to allow the plant to grow.
Simply put, germination is the name given to the process of any organism (seed or fungi) sprouting and expanding into a small 'germ' - seedling.
Any new plant that is just a few days old shouldn't be lifted out from its home soil as it will disturb its growth. When vegetable plants are at least 4-5 inches, they can be re-potted into larger containers and given a nutrient feed.
Check regularly to ensure the temperature does not drastically change and the air is humid. + Read about these conditions on
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