Happy Hands-on Muslim Action At Palmers Green Mosque's Community Gardens
Growing together: A wonderful community garden is being created from scratch at London's Palmer Green Mosque by the eco-campaigners M...

Growing together: A wonderful community garden is being created from scratch at London's Palmer Green Mosque by the eco-campaigners MADE in Europe. Love it!
One of MADE in Europe's aims is to get proactive British Muslims involved in community gardens and social awareness projects. I have absolutely loved the work that they have done, particlarly in creating a 'grassroots' organisation but without the political fuss. With networked "branches" across Europe and some heavyweight progress even in the political field, it is the youth, young Muslims and energetic souls that make up the heart of MADE here in Britain.
In July 2012 Palmers Green Mosque in London dedicated a plot of land towards gardening for the residents and volunteers to get stuck in. Some mosque-goers and locals took part in workshops for how to plant from seed while others dealt with organic matters: compost, hay stacks and vegetable beds. The project is on-going and the organisation welcomes more.
Here are some great photos of the workshops held there by MADE.
Younger Muslims are given the do-it-yourself workshop for growing herbs and vegetables into reusable moulds.
More sturdy participants have been digging the vegetable and fruit beds, layering compost and top soul to be ready for planting. I can just imagine it; praying salatul-dhuhr (the midday prayer), coming out to dig and back for salatul-asr (the afternoon prayer). This must have been a long task in our iffy summer heat, ma-sha-Allah!
The landscape behind these strapping young men will show you just how much space there is to work with at Palmers Green Mosque. One of the reasons MADE is inviting more Londoners to be a part of the creative and earthen garden.
For those living in the south of England, I would totally recommend signing up by emailing the organiser: oussama@madeineurope.org.uk
Insha-Allah, God willing, we should be host to community garden projects here in north England soon. Does anyone know of any budding garden projects in Bradford, Halifax, Huddersfield, Leeds or Manchester?
+ MADE in Europe
Action Plan: If you can't make it to London, join one of MADE's many Ethical Iftars in Birmingham and Manchester, completely free and organic. Alhamdulillah.
One of MADE in Europe's aims is to get proactive British Muslims involved in community gardens and social awareness projects. I have absolutely loved the work that they have done, particlarly in creating a 'grassroots' organisation but without the political fuss. With networked "branches" across Europe and some heavyweight progress even in the political field, it is the youth, young Muslims and energetic souls that make up the heart of MADE here in Britain.
In July 2012 Palmers Green Mosque in London dedicated a plot of land towards gardening for the residents and volunteers to get stuck in. Some mosque-goers and locals took part in workshops for how to plant from seed while others dealt with organic matters: compost, hay stacks and vegetable beds. The project is on-going and the organisation welcomes more.
Here are some great photos of the workshops held there by MADE.
Younger Muslims are given the do-it-yourself workshop for growing herbs and vegetables into reusable moulds.
More sturdy participants have been digging the vegetable and fruit beds, layering compost and top soul to be ready for planting. I can just imagine it; praying salatul-dhuhr (the midday prayer), coming out to dig and back for salatul-asr (the afternoon prayer). This must have been a long task in our iffy summer heat, ma-sha-Allah!
The landscape behind these strapping young men will show you just how much space there is to work with at Palmers Green Mosque. One of the reasons MADE is inviting more Londoners to be a part of the creative and earthen garden.
For those living in the south of England, I would totally recommend signing up by emailing the organiser: oussama@madeineurope.org.uk
Insha-Allah, God willing, we should be host to community garden projects here in north England soon. Does anyone know of any budding garden projects in Bradford, Halifax, Huddersfield, Leeds or Manchester?
+ MADE in Europe
Action Plan: If you can't make it to London, join one of MADE's many Ethical Iftars in Birmingham and Manchester, completely free and organic. Alhamdulillah.
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