Pasta Salad For A Vegetarian Ramadan
As I was remarking during the start of Ramadan'ing, my sister's vegetarianism has rubbed off onto me. I now have an urge to wear he...
As I was remarking during the start of Ramadan'ing, my sister's vegetarianism has rubbed off onto me. I now have an urge to wear hemp and knit my own food.
The trouble is I like my meat. Giving it up entirely is not the way to go, especially for my digestive system that has become familiar with lamb and chicken. But, alhamdulillah, going semi-vegetarian for 30 days seemed the best option which is why I decided to reduce the amount of meat eaten. Make du`a , insha'Allah it'll be a lesson in simplicity.
My sister is chirping in here to share her vegetarian Ramadan experiences. Take it Eco-sister.
Vegetarian Ramadan Day 2:
Suhoor: Following from day 1, I had Porridge again for the breakfast before fasting, with - wait for it - with sugar! Wohoo, I’m mad with creativity! I will try to come up with something more interesting tomorrow hopefully.
Iftar: Lazy Pasta salad
I call it lazy because the recipe is really simple and best eaten slowly.
All I did was boil some pasta whilst rummaging through the fridge and chucking everything together to make a dressing. I'd highly recommend sundried tomatoes for this salad too but I didn’t have any. Drain the pasta. I tossed together fresh lettuces - we grow our own, tomato, cucumber and any salty cubed cheese. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Add the pasta and drizzle a little olive oil, sprinkle with dry and fresh herbs (basil, parsley and a twig of thyme – from the eco garden of course) and an optional half teaspoon of crushed cumin. (We add cumin to everything!)
It’s fresh, savoury, a quick 10 minute meal and fills you up easy at iftaar.
May your Ramadan be one of eco-jihad.
Zaufishan & the eco-sister.
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