The First Apple!
As-salam`alaykum! I had to share my first apples of the season with you. I'm very happy! They look delightful, don't they?
I had to share my first apples of the season with you. I'm very happy! They look delightful, don't they?
One golden delicious apple fell to the ground a week ago but it was victim to slicing and dicing and eaten in salad before I could get a photo.
My beautiful young tree has a couple dozen more apples ready for this autumn. I'm very protective of this tree - only recently it was affected by simple greenfly - I defend every leaf.
I've watched this tree grow for more than 5 years and each summer, gift us with more fruit. It's exciting, watching each apple ripen and colour. Masha'Allah.
I envisage many home baked pies, cracker and cheese sandwiches, and chocolate-caramel dipped slices. Yum.
Peace & fruit-salad,
I had to share my first apples of the season with you. I'm very happy! They look delightful, don't they?
One golden delicious apple fell to the ground a week ago but it was victim to slicing and dicing and eaten in salad before I could get a photo.
My beautiful young tree has a couple dozen more apples ready for this autumn. I'm very protective of this tree - only recently it was affected by simple greenfly - I defend every leaf.
10 glorious apples hang low, supported by several yards of twine and sticks
I've watched this tree grow for more than 5 years and each summer, gift us with more fruit. It's exciting, watching each apple ripen and colour. Masha'Allah.
I envisage many home baked pies, cracker and cheese sandwiches, and chocolate-caramel dipped slices. Yum.
Peace & fruit-salad,
Ma'sha'allah awesome! Lovely and fruity!
ReplyDeleteThe Most Merciful,Taught the Qur'an,In both of them are of every fruit, two kinds.So which of the favors of your Lord would you deny?