FAQ: Islam And The Environment - On Cities, Community & Caring
From FANAR.gov.qa THE ENVIRONMENT In Islam the relationship between humankind and the environment is based on the fact that everything ...

From FANAR.gov.qa
In Islam the relationship between humankind and the environment is based on the fact that everything on earth worships Allah.
This worship is not merely ritual practice, but translated into actions; which means it is part of the belief of the Muslim to not damage the environment. Moreover, humans are responsible for the welfare and sustenance of the other inhabitants of this global environment, as the animal and plant kingdoms can not damage or destroy their environments.
Prophet Mohammad ﷺ encouraged farming to increase agricultural resources and enhance a benevolent environment.
He said:
Also, Prophet Mohammad ﷺ was the frst to establish environmental reservations, where trees could not be cut down and animals could not be killed. He protected the whole of Madina where no tree could be uprooted and nothing bigger than what can be used to drive a camel could be cut.
He also said:
The prohibition on polluting water sources and roads and other areas of the common environment, are some of the Islamic directives that aim to keep the environment healthy and pollution free.
Islam makes the protection of the environment and censure of its corruption a duty of every citizen in the righteous society.
“Why were there not among the generations before you some upright men preaching against corruption on earth?” (Qur'an, 11:116)
“Let no one urinate in stagnant water.” (Reported by Al – Bukhari)
“Avoid the three actions that bring people’s curses: defecating in water sources, on roads, and in the shade.” (Reported by Abu Dawood)
Imam Ibn Hazm says in his book Al-Muhalla:
To keep an animal far from food and water, and to neglect the irrigation of fruit trees and plants until they perish is, according to God’s own words, corruption on earth and destruction of plants and progeny.
Prophet Mohammad ﷺ used to urge people to clean and not pollute their towns.
He said: “I have been shown the deeds of my followers: both good and bad ones. I found among their good deeds the removal of harmful objects from people’s way.” (Reported by Muslim)
He also said: “Faith includes over seventy branches, ...the simplest of which is the removal of any source of harm from the road.”(Reported by Muslim)
Prophet Mohammad ﷺ forbade causing harm to individuals and to the community, as he said:
“There shall be no infliction of harm on oneself or others.” (An-Nawawi’s Forty Hadiths)
He also forbade any injury to one’s neighbour, any neighbour, whether in residence, public transport, public places, or offices.
He said: “Whoever believes in God and the Day of Judgment should not hurt his neighbour.” (Reported by Al-Bukhari)
In Islam the relationship between humankind and the environment is based on the fact that everything on earth worships Allah.
This worship is not merely ritual practice, but translated into actions; which means it is part of the belief of the Muslim to not damage the environment. Moreover, humans are responsible for the welfare and sustenance of the other inhabitants of this global environment, as the animal and plant kingdoms can not damage or destroy their environments.
Prophet Mohammad ﷺ encouraged farming to increase agricultural resources and enhance a benevolent environment.
He said:
“Whenever a Muslim plants or grows asapling or a plant, and a human being, a beast, or anything else feeds upon it, it is counted for him as an act of benevolence.” (Reported by Al – Bukhari)
Also, Prophet Mohammad ﷺ was the frst to establish environmental reservations, where trees could not be cut down and animals could not be killed. He protected the whole of Madina where no tree could be uprooted and nothing bigger than what can be used to drive a camel could be cut.
He also said:
“I forbid the trees between the two lavas of Madina to be cut down.” (Reported by Al – Bukhari)
The prohibition on polluting water sources and roads and other areas of the common environment, are some of the Islamic directives that aim to keep the environment healthy and pollution free.
Islam makes the protection of the environment and censure of its corruption a duty of every citizen in the righteous society.
“Why were there not among the generations before you some upright men preaching against corruption on earth?” (Qur'an, 11:116)
“Let no one urinate in stagnant water.” (Reported by Al – Bukhari)
“Avoid the three actions that bring people’s curses: defecating in water sources, on roads, and in the shade.” (Reported by Abu Dawood)
Imam Ibn Hazm says in his book Al-Muhalla:
“Charity to animals is benevolence and piety, and when a man does not help with animal welfare, he is promoting sin and aggression and disobeying God the Almighty.”
To keep an animal far from food and water, and to neglect the irrigation of fruit trees and plants until they perish is, according to God’s own words, corruption on earth and destruction of plants and progeny.
“A prostitute was forgiven by God because, passing by a panting dog near a well and seeing that the dog was about to die of thirst, she took off her shoe, and tying it with her head-cover she drew out some water for it. So, God forgave her because of that good deed.” (Al-Bukhari)
Prophet Mohammad ﷺ used to urge people to clean and not pollute their towns.
He said: “I have been shown the deeds of my followers: both good and bad ones. I found among their good deeds the removal of harmful objects from people’s way.” (Reported by Muslim)
He also said: “Faith includes over seventy branches, ...the simplest of which is the removal of any source of harm from the road.”(Reported by Muslim)
Prophet Mohammad ﷺ forbade causing harm to individuals and to the community, as he said:
“There shall be no infliction of harm on oneself or others.” (An-Nawawi’s Forty Hadiths)
He also forbade any injury to one’s neighbour, any neighbour, whether in residence, public transport, public places, or offices.
He said: “Whoever believes in God and the Day of Judgment should not hurt his neighbour.” (Reported by Al-Bukhari)
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