Video: How You Can Become Greener Muslims
London based organisation, Inclusive Mosque Initiative (MI), invited me to their ' Nature In Qur'an ' event in April. As a s...
London based organisation, Inclusive Mosque Initiative (MI), invited me to their 'Nature In Qur'an' event in April. As a small-time eco-Muslim living 250 miles up north, it was quite a feat getting there. But I was very humbled to attend a small congregation of listeners. I gave a short presentation on what it means to me, to be a more nature loving Muslimah. (Videos below)
My presentation covered making eco-wudhu, growing gardens at home, creating an eco-Mosque and eating the plants of Qur'an.
Watch the videos of my presentation below and check out what kind things IMI mentioned in their blog about The Eco Muslim.
Video playlist + How You Can Become Greener Muslims
Well done!