Green Ramadan Advice From Imam Zaid Shakir In Green Faith's Live Webinar
Inter-faith environment organisation Green Faith are hosting a Green Ramadan webinar in which American Muslim scholar Imam Zaid Shakir will ...
Inter-faith environment organisation Green Faith are hosting a Green Ramadan webinar in which American Muslim scholar Imam Zaid Shakir will share just how to make fasting more environmentally-friendly.
Entitled Green Ramadan, the organisation has held a multitude of online conferences on the topic of religion and sustainability. Green Faith is a platform campaign movement that ties the three monothestic faith groups - Islam, Judaism and Christianity - with long-term ecological practice.
Imam Zaid Shakir is one noted eco-Muslim figure who has frequently taught classes on Islam and the environment. This Ramadan Imam Shakir will offer a keynote presentation on Islam's teachings about the earth. The event is open to all.
I'm looking forward to the Green Ramadan webinar, see you there!
+ Register with Green Faith - Green Ramadan Webinar
Entitled Green Ramadan, the organisation has held a multitude of online conferences on the topic of religion and sustainability. Green Faith is a platform campaign movement that ties the three monothestic faith groups - Islam, Judaism and Christianity - with long-term ecological practice.
Imam Zaid Shakir is one noted eco-Muslim figure who has frequently taught classes on Islam and the environment. This Ramadan Imam Shakir will offer a keynote presentation on Islam's teachings about the earth. The event is open to all.
- Green Ramadan with Imam Zaid Shakir
- Thursday 07/26/2012 07:00 PM - 08:00 PM ET
- Admission: Free
I'm looking forward to the Green Ramadan webinar, see you there!
+ Register with Green Faith - Green Ramadan Webinar
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