Stylish Muslim Eco-Magazine Is Published
The 21st Issue (April 2011) of Modest Beautiful Muslima has a feature spread on: How To Be Stewards of the Earth: The Environment Issue ...
The 21st Issue (April 2011) of Modest Beautiful Muslima has a feature spread on:
How To Be Stewards of the Earth: The Environment Issue
Here's a sneak peak of the column:
There's also a review of Ibrahim Abdalmatin's Green Deen Book and sister Yvonne from My Halal Kitchen shares halal tips.
How To Be Stewards of the Earth: The Environment Issue
Front cover of MBM
Here's a sneak peak of the column:
"Why do I have all these possessions? How will they benefit me later? I will not be able to take them with me to the grave. A white cloth: that will be the only physical belonging I will take with me. Other than that, all I will have are my few good deeds. That is a pretty scary thought."
"How many of us have our own gardens in which we plant fruit trees? Prophet Muhammad ﷺ (Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) gave great importance to trees of any size, shape or species from the time it is a seedling to a full grown tree. It is said that whoever plants a tree will receive blessings throughout its lifetime. For every time it bears fruits, you will receive blessings and if any creatures eat from the tree again you receive blessings. Planting a tree is also beneficial to you even after you die. So, plant a seedling and protect it so it may grow, and conserve it so it may exist for a long time."
"As Chief Seattle is often remembered as saying, “This we know: the earth does not belong to man, man belongs to earth. All things are connected.” Our relationship with the natural world is so intimate and so interdependent that we scarcely realize how much we depend on in order to live and prosper and continue our legacy as humankind."
There's also a review of Ibrahim Abdalmatin's Green Deen Book and sister Yvonne from My Halal Kitchen shares halal tips.
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