Feed the Fasting Campaign | Islamic Tube
30th Aug 2010 / 21st Ramadan 1431 All Praise Belongs to Allah (swt), and May the Salah and Salam of Allah (swt) be upon our beloved Messe...

30th Aug 2010 / 21st Ramadan 1431
All Praise Belongs to Allah (swt), and May the Salah and Salam of Allah (swt) be upon our beloved Messenger صلى الله عليه وسلم
We have reached 25% so far for our Feed The Fasting Campaign in Masjid al Aqsa.
Feed the Fasting Family - Can be counted as Zakat as this is for the poor but maybe distributed in other location such as Gaza, to those who are eligible to recieve.
Jazakumullahu Khayran!
Wassalaamu ‘Alaikum waRahmathullahi waBarakaathuhu.
iTube Team Visit www.justgiving.com/feedthefasting
www.IslamicTube.net is a non-profit Dawah Project aimed to educate and provide an alternative on the Web.
All Praise Belongs to Allah (swt), and May the Salah and Salam of Allah (swt) be upon our beloved Messenger صلى الله عليه وسلم
We have reached 25% so far for our Feed The Fasting Campaign in Masjid al Aqsa.
"Remember, fasting in Ramadan and striving to do as much Ibadah and good deeds this month is a great blessing upon us, rather than a hardship as some people see it. Everything we do is really for our own good and it is nobody but us that will benefit at the end. Not only does fasting help us control our desires and trains us for the rest of the year, but it also gives us compassion for the poor, as well as many physical and spiritual benefits. But most of all, it brings us closer to Allaah and instills Taqwa in our hearts and is all ultimately a means for attaining Jannah and avoiding the fire of Hell" - Asma bint Shameem.
Feed the Fasting Family - Can be counted as Zakat as this is for the poor but maybe distributed in other location such as Gaza, to those who are eligible to recieve.
Jazakumullahu Khayran!
Wassalaamu ‘Alaikum waRahmathullahi waBarakaathuhu.
iTube Team Visit www.justgiving.com/feedthefasting
www.IslamicTube.net is a non-profit Dawah Project aimed to educate and provide an alternative on the Web.
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