Emel: Eco-Jihad, Striving for a Greener Future
From emel blog | July 2009 Issue 57 Front Cover The big green issue. The emel green issue. The ‘ your planet needs you ’ issue. Emel...
From emel blog | July 2009
Read more behind the scenes and blogs by deputy editor Remona Aly and art director Steven Lawson: emel, issue 57, eco jihad.
The big green issue. The emel green issue. The ‘your planet needs you’ issue. Emel came out with a number of names to label one of their most prized issues of emel. In the end only Eco-Jihad seemed to hit the mark.
Issue 57 caused a huge buzz that spread throughout the World Wide Web, as well as through daily conversations. It even caught the interest of Prince Charles -
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